Friday, April 1, 2011

Whatever happened to the dickie?

The other morning was chilly here in DC, but as the afternoon sun rose above and dried the dew, it got very warm. So warm, in fact, I wished I had not donned a turtleneck under my scrubs. It made me reminisce about a wardrobe accoutrement that would make me howl with laughter everytime I received one for Christmas. It seemed like a staple gift during my pre-teens, along with the tube of day glo knee high stockings. My mother liked accessories, boy did she like accessories. I'm not sure if she thought I was the third member of Wham! or just wanted to make sure I didn't get poached by hunters....or ever wanted me to date.

In middle school band, Mr. Kruger made us wear white dickies under our red V-neck sweaters, a navy beret completed the ensmeble.....HOT. When he said the word, "dickie," it evoked snickering from the percussion section. I remember sitting erect in my seat, thinking, "Ha....who's the cool kid now? I've got half a drawer full of dickies." After much ridicule and opting to dress unseasonably warmer than it was in VT, I traded in the dickies for the cut out collared sweatshirts of Flashdance. Now that I dress for function and have embraced my inner band geek, Mom, if you read this, I'd like a dickie for Christmas, but I'll pass on the magenta knee highs.

Friday, March 25, 2011


After my last few posts, I don't want anyone to get the idea that I'm a self indulgent sloth, so I'm going to get off the couch and run amuck.....literally. What could be more fun than A 5K obstacle course where you get completely filthy then ditch your socks and sneaks in a pile then celebrate like a heathen?! C'mon, if you dare! Saturday, April 30th is the Rockville, MD RunAmuck (Crazy hats encouraged!) Karen, Megan, Jill, Stephen, Griffin and I will be there with our muddy little bells on!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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I'm in love with two foods, girl you know it's true.

The Steak Burrito Bowl from Chipotle
The Falafel

Well, you know I didn't get to be a size 14 on beer alone, food has had a little something to do with it. Everyone says they hate McDonalds and that they "never" eat there. Bullshit, when you're hungover or on a road trip, tell me you haven't pulled through a dirty drive-thru and ordered a #2 with a diet Coke (yes, I admit it, I'm down with the Mickey D's from time to time and happen to know the meal deals without having to refer to the big glowing menu board decoupaged in bugs and chewing gum....jealous.) Now we all know eating fast food, McDonalds in particular is so not good for you. Thanks to Morgan Spurlock, I always think twice before I pull into a drive-thru, it doesn't stop me, but I give that man a nod for eating the shit for a month straight. To avoid my liver shutting down, going into kidney failure and the dreaded bacne, I've moved on to a more grown up fast food option. Chipotle is a Godsend. I used to crave it so incredibly bad that I'd drive miles just to find one, thank Christ for my GPS. It's tasty and relatively healthy, despite the fact that the bowl of food they give you weighs more than most new borns. I took a break from my trusty Mexican fare while I was planning my wedding to avoid Karen from singing, "Here comes the bride, all fat and wide..." Not to worry Mr. Ells, I'm back!

My new love is the falafel. Who knew the chick pea was so versatile? I stopped in the Amsterdam Falafel shop in Adams Morgan one late night and was pleasantly surprised. They serve the pita in an envelope and their fries in a cone, no plates, no utensils. Pure genius. Pure delicious goodness. They have easily pushed Chipotle into second place and had me at "do you want fries with that?" Since that fateful night, I have been talking about falafel to everyone. I even resorted to buying some frozen ones from Yes Organic Market, tasty, but paled in comparison to this tiny shop. I actually get giddy as I'm parking my car to go in. I keep telling myself they're healthy because it's chick peas, herbs and garlic, but my waistline is not concurring with this theory. Although it could be the fries.......damn you french fries!!!!

So if you're hungry, let's lunch!

Shots anyone?

Nooooo, not that kind of shot. Please, remember the war I'm waging.....on the anaerobic bacteria that's causing destruction and tooth loss across the land....Periodontal Disease, Pyorrhea, Gum Disease!

I celebrated my first injection today, with yes, lively conversation and several Bass Ales and perhaps a shot of Mother's Milk. I am a graduate of Howard University's Dental Hygiene Local Anesthesia program. So, my friends, if you're in need of a shot of whiskey or a shot of local anesthesia, I'm your girl. Call me for an appointment, whether it's on my front porch or in my dental chair, I'm more than happy to see you.

Grey's or Nursing home? You decide.

So I wear scrubs to work and my boss being young and hip thought it would be stylish to outfit me in the "Grey's Anatomy" scrubs line. But for some reason I'm not channeling Katherine Heigl, but perhaps some angry orderly, Nurse Ratched comes to mind, minus the fun '40s pin up girl hair do and fun nurse's cap. Pay no mind to the marinara sauce stain on the front of my V neck (pizza night!) Hey, I'm not on a hit TV series, I'm waging the war on gingivitis, one mouth at a time. Eat your heart out Izzie!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Baby Mick Jagger?

Rowan's got the dancing bug, a nightly ritual at the Griffin-Roosa household as of late.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Why, oh why?

Can anyone tell me if there's a vaccination for this Bieber fever? 'Cuz Rowan's got it bad. We are now listening to the pubescent vocal stylings of the hair flipping You Tube sensation, Justin Bieber, morning, noon and night. Rowan saw his movie, Never Say Never and now he's hooked.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Holy shit Griffin's 16!

I'd like to wish my nephew and God son, Griffin Kane Smith a very happy 16th birthday. He turned 16 on March 16th, his golden birthday, a special day indeed. We went to Benihana to celebrate and torture him with public embarrassment, a rite of passage in our family. I've known this young man his whole life and have thoroughly enjoyed being his Auntie Mo. He's an intelligent, funny guy who we all love being around. I love you Griff!

My Stick Family from

Listen to this playlist: mmgkmr's Playlist

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Monday, March 14, 2011

Kiss my ass, Facebook

This year I'll turn 40, I have the stiff joints and crazy chin hairs to prove it. Thanks to beer and cheese, I've held the wrinkles at bay, stretch, not so much, but hey, as Edna Garrett and those spunky girls used to say, "You take the good, you take the bad, you take 'em both and there you have, the facts of life." Things are good, things are calm & crazy all at once, time flies , yet drags in spots. I have no regrets, with the exception of a few hairdos in the late 80s. I look forward to aging and growing more understanding and patient with challenges and things over which I have no control. Deep breaths and live in the moment, right? I'm happily married to the most calm, collected and beautiful person I've ever known. We have a 5 year old spirited son, Rowan, who not only keeps us on our toes, but in stitches. I'm a dental hygienist and yes it is true, we do take out our aggression on your gums, so start flossing, for the love of sweet baby Jesus. And yes, I'm always looking at your teeth.

I've had ALOT of fun in the past 39 1/2 years and plan on having WAY more, despite turning into a stereotypical middle aged lesbian, right down to the family car, color coordinated track suits and dog........but I love it and I love my life. Not to worry, there will be no mulletude or chain to my wallet, but I do fly a rainbow flag in June every year. I'm here, I'm queer, get me a beer. I never imagined my life would unfold in such a fashion, nor did I ever expect to be chaperoning school trips, let alone parenting.........bring it on and bring on another baby! It's plausible that any day our second child could join the Griffin-Roosa family, May 15th will bring our 11th anniversary and the third year we've been patiently waiting for another bundle of breathtaking excitement.

I hastily deleted my Facebook profile in January, a liberating feat to say the least. But now I'm faced with a dilemma, what do I do with the plethora of photos I take on a weekly basis? Instead of bombarding online "cutest baby" contests with adorable, "fresh out of the tub and in clean jammies" shots of my son, Rowan and being my wife's ghost writer on her Facebook account (much to her chagrin) I've decided to take a more self indulgent path and start a blog. So here it is and yes, Facebook, you and Mr. Zuckerberg can kiss my big, fat Irish ass.

I will post pictures, videos and really any damn thing I want. Thank you Jenna Coffey & Ami Bunch for the inspiration. Let's blog girls!